What we really meant was...
30 July 2013
What's the bet that someone at Apple is just itching to write a response clarifying why Bob Mansfield's no longer on the Apple Exec team? I can see it looking like this:
"There has been significant news coverage of the fact that Bob Mansfield is no longer going to be on Apple's executive team.
People have assumed that there's a story that hasn't been told, something to be read between the lines or that phrases we used were euphemisms.
To clarify; when we said "Bob is no longer going to be on Apple's executive team", what we really meant was: "Bob is no longer going to be on Apple's executive team".
And by saying that Bob "will remain at Apple working on special projects", what we really meant was: "Bob will remain at Apple working on special projects".
It's still the case at Apple that EveryBody loves Bob."